
The Baseline: Happiness Science

A whole lot of marketing focuses on happiness. Almost every advertisement begins with the assumption that you are not happy enough and what is offered will make you happier. People ask all the time, “Are you happy?” Do we know what we are asking about? What is happiness? What makes you happy? How happy can you get? How long can happiness last? Is it good to be happy all the time?

BigThink has some research on this elusive emotional skill, psychology, practice, currency.

“Activities such as exercise, expressing gratitude, altruism, and taking time to savor or appreciate the good things in life have all been shown to influence short-term wellbeing very much, and there is evidence that they can nudge that hedonic set point up the scale in the long-term as well.

Additionally, the hedonic treadmill is due, in part, to processes of desensitization and adaptation — we get used to things. Because of this, variety is a powerful means of combatting the hedonic set point's inexorable tug. Persistently engaging in a variety of positive activities or varying how one performs a given positive activity can trick your stubborn brain into actually feeling good about things.”

Exercise vs. Meds has an article discussing the benefits of exercise and how it is beginning to reshape how we think about treatment for psychological issues.

“The results were stunning. After leading the patients in structured exercises — each 60-minute session included a combination of strength training, flexibility training, and cardio — 95 percent of patients reported feeling better, while 63 percent reported feeling happy or very happy instead of sad, very sad, or neutral. A whopping 91.8 percent said they were pleased with their bodies during the sessions.”

It also has this lovely gem of a quote:

“Humans were designed to move. Bipedalism offers us serious advantages in lung capacity and communication systems. Humans are generally weak and slow for mammals, but the combination of mental ingenuity and physical dexterity gave us a competitive advantage, one we've exploited so effectively that, thanks to our technology, we now bow to the cult of the mind while abandoning the reality of our bodies. Yet we're paying the price for our conveniences.”

Sleep Myths has an article that has sleep experts correcting common misconceptions about sleep.

The quick run down is, you should get more sleep, lots more, but not too much. Here are the 10 myths they cover:

1. Adults need five or fewer hours of sleep.

2. It's healthy to be able to fall asleep 'anywhere, anytime'.

3. Your brain and body can adapt to less sleep.

4. Snoring, although annoying, is mostly harmless.

5. Drinking alcohol before bed helps you fall sleep.

6. Not sleeping? Stay in bed with eyes closed and try and try.

7. It doesn't matter what time of day you sleep.

8. Watching TV in bed helps you relax.

9. Hitting snooze is great! No need to get up right away.

10. Remembering your dreams is a sign of good sleep.

Tai Chi: Stroke Prevention and Recovery

Research on benefits of tai chi in reducing strokes…

“The researchers analysed 26 studies published between 1985 and 2017 which examined how yoga and tai chi moderated key stroke risk factors, including blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, atrial fibrillation, smoking and alcohol consumption, obesity, anxiety and depression. “