
Cognitive Bias Codex: Cheat Sheet

BigThink has a quick cheat sheet for cognitive bias, reducing them to 4 basic groups.

1-There is too much information

2-We are always missing essential information because of how much there is

3-we Have to act quickly with limited info

4-Its impossible to remember everything

Myofascial Memory

Very interesting view on the conversation about cognition, time, and tissue.

“Research has found that fascia is richly innervated with nerve endings, making it a “tissue of communication.” Under certain dysfunctional conditions, a neuro-fascial interaction may be responsible for the setting of a local tissue “memory” (peripheral sensitization). Thus, touch or manual therapy may “unload” the tissue, causing a change in neural input to the brain which may trigger the memory.”

Sleep and PTSD

Research on how sleep helps us deal with trauma...

"Our memories, as it turns out, are highly dependent on what we forget.During the day, our brains are recording. At night, they switch to editing, cutting out extraneous details and consolidating the important ones. Without this editing phase, the brain would be crowded with so much junk that—like a hoarder looking for their social security card—it wouldn’t be able to find the important things necessary for survival. Forgetting also enables the brain to erase out-of-date and inaccurate facts so they can be replaced with updated information.