
Cognitive Bias Codex: Cheat Sheet

BigThink has a quick cheat sheet for cognitive bias, reducing them to 4 basic groups.

1-There is too much information

2-We are always missing essential information because of how much there is

3-we Have to act quickly with limited info

4-Its impossible to remember everything

Time For A Mental Upgrade

If you haven’t figured it out by now, the world isn’t always what it seems, and people have a tendency to rationalize a lot of bad decisions they make. It’s simple really, our genes haven’t caught up with our culture and that means our brains are running on out-of-date programs.

What would be interesting is to see how we begin to adapt our education policies in relation to what our real issues are. Namely, understanding our limits and learning to compensate for our biases. Here is a list from BigThink of 200 things your brain is designed to get wrong.