America is Hooked on Painkillers

Yahoo has an article that hits close to home. My mother struggled with a painkiller addiction my entire life. It destroyed her many times over. Her addiction got her arrested and institutionalized, more than once. She lost friends and a marriage. Over the years, she overdosed a number of times, until one day she did not wake. My moms’ younger brother, overdosed on the same medication not even a year later.

This is a deeply personal thing. Growing up around people suffering from pain and addiction has made me very sensitive to other’s suffering and I guess that’s why I do what I do. There are two telling quotes in the article that sums up a lot of the issue.

“The results showed that counties where marketing to doctors was heaviest had the greatest incidence of over-prescribing of opioids, as well as subsequent abuse and related deaths.”


Direct-to-consumer advertising by major pharmaceutical companies has also had a significant effect on pain management expectations in clients, says Chris Lee, a health care consultant and marketing manager at Family Health Centers of San Diego. “Unlike most countries, the United States allows direct-to-consumer drug ads. ‘Ask your doctor about [drug name],’ they advise patients. This generates demand levels that are simply not seen in other countries.”

Its not the final passing that is so horrible. It is the number of times you see their spirit die before their bodies give in. The article says 70,000 people died last year from overdoses. While the dead may be at peace, the living that loved them is a far greater number and their peace further away.

I miss you mom.

The Giving Way: Sun Style Tai Chi Notes

The Giving Way

Still mind

Steady feet

Breathe, sink

Time the beats

All doors a trap

Desire the map

Give, facilitate

Occupy the back

Gifts freely given

Cannot be taken

Offered options

Limit choices

Show the way

They want to go

Feeling strong

In a disappearing hand

Extend their range

Let them reach

Make them long

Support what they seek

Corrupt the balance

Change the target

Seeking strength

Opens the gates

Catch them

As they tumble

Stable them


Striking a gift

Rare, swift

Creating space

Where none exists

Mind Hopeful

Body Supple

Beyond the target

The goal waits

Sapiens and 21 Lessons for the 21st Century

I have this fantasy about creating a Kung Fu Science Fiction High School. The kids would get rigorous physical training 3 hours of the day from msater monk-ninjas, and their curriculum would be focused on saving the world from humanity. Yuvol Noah Harari’s work would be at the center of their studies.

Yuvol should be required reading or listening for those who want to understand the human condition and the complex evolving forces that form this condition. Sapiens covers the history of Homosapiens and just about every factor that has and still does affect each of us personally and everyone of us together as an entire species. It’s not a pretty picture but his sense of humor helps keep things in perspective. By far one of the best books I have ever read covering biology, psychology, sociology, technology, politics, economy, and religion. At the end of the book you find yourself front row and center for the big Now What? Well 21 Lessons for the 21st Century, Yuvol walks you through the cognitive dissonance of the present and tries to provide a way through the maddening chaos of tomorrow. He asserts there are 3 great dangers we must come to terms with: nuclear war, climate change, and technological disruption. Terrorism, AI, Transhumans…oh my, the Apocalypse is already here, it’s just not equally distributed.

16-min Documentary kinda about Taosim that has lots of Tai Chi

In a short film, Pamela Hiley shares her thoughts and insights from studying Taoism and Chen style Tai Chi. Her form is beautiful and her comments more than worth while.

Tai Chi Beneath The Surface